U.S. Masters Golf Tournament: iOS and Web App
IBM perennially runs and sponsors the U.S. Masters Golf Tournament. As the lead User Experience designer on the IBM Events Team, I was tasked with architecting a new user interface for the official Master’s iOS app. This became an extremely popular app among golf fans, with an average iTunes Store rating of 4.5 stars. It allowed users to track their favorite players on the Leader Board, view the latest tournament news and highlights, stream live video and radio, explore the course, as well as various other features.
The Project Story
Opening Animated Sequence

When you first open the app, the screen transitions through an animated sequence of beautiful images, showcasing the golf course.
Tracking Scores and Rankings via the Leader Board and Individual Player Scorecards

Tracking scores and rankings throughout the tournament is one of the most common activities that people would use this app for. Users can easily track their favorite players on the interactive Leader Board, which shows everyone’s position and total scores. Individual player scorecards can be viewed and favorites can be added or removed on the fly. Rotating the iPhone to landscape mode reveals an expanded Leader Board with additional columns of information.
Looking Up Player Profiles

Player profiles can be looked up via an interface that is very similar to the iPhone Contacts app. Users can either search or scroll through the alphabetical list of names. Each profile provides some basic information like the player’s birthdate and country of origin. It also shows a scoring/position summary, related highlight videos, and news involving the player. The player can be added to a favorites list. Rotating the display to landscape mode reveals the player’s full, detailed scorecard.
Exploring Each Hole on the Course

Each hole in the course can be explored. Users can read hole details and watch an aerial flyover.
Latest News and Videos

Latest news and videos can easily be browsed and accessed.
Streaming Live Video with DVR and Picture-in-Picture Functionality

On the full website and iPad version of the app, live video can be streamed with DVR-style functionality, such as pause, replay, and time-shifting. Interesting highlights are indicated on the video timeline, and tournament updates appear in a news ticker across the bottom. Hole, player, and Leader Board information can be overlaid on top of the video and dragged around. Users can also turn on a picture-in-picture box in order to follow multiple channels at once.
Streaming Live Radio Coverage

Live radio coverage can be streamed as well.
Public Reactions

Excellent app. Smooth and Flawless. Quick and have had no problem on wifi LTE or 3G streaming videos. Scoreboard is fantastic, you can organize and trim down the scoreboard according to (but not limited to): previous champs, Americans, Europeans, amateurs so on and so forth. Also view each players score card with videos for certain players/holes. Fantastic, couldn’t ask for a better app. Thanks guys.

Greatest App Ever. I am blown away by how well this app was made. Very simple to navigate and has every feature you could ask for. May favorite is the fact that you can look up scorecards and videos of players so you can see exactly how they played the hole in less than a minute each.

Awesome App! I’ve been streaming the tourney in HD and I can flip between groups. I can check scores easily and select my favorite players. Your favorites will send push updates when they are live and their end of round scores.

The Master’s Touch. I’ve had my iPhone for years and have downloaded and deleted dozens of apps. This is without a doubt the most spectacular one ever used or seen. Congrats.